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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Much to do with nothing

There is a milestone in preganancy that they don't mention in the books. There is a point at which they is still much to do and no longer any drive or abilty to do it.

I have come to the conclusion that the only way forward is to cheat. By this I mean to find every shortcut, loop hole, and most direct path climbing over the backs of others, to achieve the minimum requirement.

I have 4 weeks left of work, and only two days a week of that when I can actually do something useful. I will be the cheatingest cheater there is.

And here is a cute video


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Alix! Hope you find time to do something special today. I suggested to Dave that he should buy you some chocolates from me so you might want to hold him to it. I've been enjoying your blogging so much lately - especially envious of the great piles of tomatoes - fabulous! and I must try the recipe when mine grow. At present my seedlings are about an inch high in a pot on the windowsill. But I can already taste them. I've had loads of daffodils and tulips and ranunculus (ranunculi?) and pansies. I came home and planted heaps of pansies after seeing yours. And the poppies I planted in autumn are still going strong. So it's been a great start to spring. Can't wait for the roses - some are in bud already! I'll try to get some photos organised properly and send you some. Meanwhile lots of love and kia kaha Alix! XXX

6:15 AM  

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