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Monday, July 03, 2006

Life's a beach

I have started riding my new shiny bicycle to work (like the other one but with black handlebars). I have found a mostly suitable route to work. Mostly suitable so far as - it is good to get me to the city. But even before I pass the dragons, it becomes a little more confused, and contains a higher proportion of doubledecker and bendy buses. (The bendy buses are they worst). I am quite impressed how they have tried to make the city cycle friendly. There are some special cycle streets and cuttings for cycles to go through traffic islands. And some funky curb ramps, designed so you can mount the sidewalk to cross at the lights with the pedestrians. I have found Transport for London's journey planner for bicycles. It really is very cool. Tomorrow I will try a route it recommends. It should shave 10min off my time according to the estimate.
So I was riding my shiny new bike along the bicycle path on cable st and my handle bars start getting a little wobbly. Folding bikes a like that - it must have jiggled loose, it won't pop off just wobble, it should be right till I stop. Next thing I know - ting ting ting. I loose a bit. A nice man picks it up for me and we stop a lot of traffic. Then I notice there is a bit missing. :( So I wander back a forth disrupting cyclists - but no bit. I mentioned the bit about the handlebars just wobbling coming undone - So I ride my wobbly handlebar bike into the office.
At lunch I go in search of a bit. - to the bike shop. The nice man a Cycle Surgery gives me a bit for free. On the way back I pass through the beach. Lastminute.com is doing some advertising. They have the biggest beach ball you have ever seen. They have taken finsbury square and put down sand, some deck chairs and have a band playing. Nice concept, beautiful beach. But today was a reallly hot day, so really hot sand and bits in my sandles all afternoon. The band a bit too trancy so not to my taste. Still as a concept - cool.


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