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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The monsters keep trying to eat me

Monster Hunter Freedom spends a lot of time showing you how to butcher innocent herbivores, go fishing and study herbology. Just when I think it is a nice game centred around collecting wildflowers, the monsters start to eat me.
I think this is largely unfair.
I had tried to get a better sword, after all what else is money for. I took it out and discovered that I could hardly lift it and kept on missing those darting blue veliciprey. Running away is a good tactic. And I really don't like those charging pigs.

What is the deal with the crazy cat things anyway.


Blogger winstoninabox said...

My tips:

Stick to the sword and shield combo until you become familiar with the movement patterns of the monsters. It is by far the easiest to kill them with. Learn to use the "R" button to put up your shield. Your not invulnerable yet, but with better armor combined with the ability to effectively block you can absorb heaps of damage that way. Also get used to rolling during combat. Rolling allows you to link your attacks together so that you can keep swinging. Without it you'll stop swinging for a breather after the 3rd swing. This leaves you a little vulnerable, so roll away. But this mostly applies to the really big monsters.

But the blue velocopreys are small and easy to beat when you know how. Hit them with only 1 swing, they get knocked back, you step forward, and then you can hit them again. If you hit them with multiple swings, then after the first hit it will get knocked back and your remaining swings will be into empty air.

Practice the different swings on the herbivores in the first area. Especially practice the downward swing. You'll use that SO much against the Land Sharks in the desert because the cowards swim under the sand and jump up to bit you. You've gotta get em before they do with a few good downward swings.

Keep upgrading the sword and shield. Also buy new armor when you can. The different types of armor become more and more important as the monsters abilities become more varied. Collect everything you can from the environment, or from skinning a monster (some monsters can be skinned more than once for body parts).

When you go back home put these things in the chest that is your room. Then visit Kokoto Farm and get all the freebees. The farm is restocked after you successfully complete a mission, so if you stick to the easy missions for a while you can collect heaps of freebees. These will become more useful later to make armor, combine to make better stuff, etc. Also some armors require more than just one of a special item (sometime 5 or 6), so I've done some missions many times just to keep collecting some special piece of monster.

The crazy cats come in 2 kinds. There are the passive one, and the ones that keep stealing your stuff. To stop them taking your stuff carry some herb that is called Felvine. You'll find it about the place. If you carry Felvine they will steal that before anything else. This gives you time to hit them with the sword. Usually after you've hit them twice they'll run away by digging underground. I find about 4 Felvines is enough, because they sometimes get away before you can hit them. If you hit them fast enough just after they've stolen something, you get it back again! Or you can make armor which has the anti-theft ability. If you get anti-theft up to about +15, you'll be immune to their thieving ways, and then you can whack them with impunity.

Any more tips you need just blog. I've wasted days on this game, so I'd be glad to help in any way I can.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

You've thought about this way too hard.

5:56 AM  

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