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Sunday, March 26, 2006


The main problem with being able to do anything, is figuring out what anything I want to do. This is a problem everyone has ( I firmly believe everyone can do anything). Other people look like they sort it out easier than me.

My current plan I am working to involves,
1.Go to UK,
2.get job,
3.earn money to create stable financial platform for future years.
4.Become thin an beautiful.
5.Do cool stuff (within fiscal and dietary frameworks) preferably with husband.

1 and 2 are achieved.
3 and 4 have some issues. Mostly that I am not very good at restraint.
5 Is the object of my current obsessive indecision.

We just switched to daylight saving today. That means things get better from here on in. I am very much looking forward to summer. I miss the sun. What should I plan?. What should I plan, ahead of time and what do I do on impulse? Why do I go on a holiday, and then the next weekend feel like I never do anything. Should I really be spending money on this? How come all these trips need at least 8 days. Doesn't anyone organize Greek island sailing for a weekend?

Yes currently a very petty and shallow set of obsessions. I hope to get some worthwile ones later.

When indecision is too strong, the best option is to do nothing. I should just chill, wash some clothes, clean the kitchen and prepare for the working week.


Blogger winstoninabox said...

alixkid, it is well known by all and sundry, over hill and over dale, that you are the man.

How many other girls from Townsville, NQ, can say that they are married to a wonderful guy, live in London, and went skiing recently in Austria.

You're living my dream. Except being married to David. Nice though he is a prefer men who treat me bad, then dump me.

2:52 PM  
Blogger alixkid said...

Your are not doing too bad yourself Mr Winston. Skiing, beautiful girlfriend, exotic cultures. I admire what you do. How many guys from Townsville have done what you do.

I would like to point out that I am not trying to be negative here. Life is good. Though re-reading it does sound a bit down. Winter is depressing, and I am obsessing too much about making summer fantastic. It's OK, I obsess, it helps me achieve things sometimes. I just get annoyed with myself when I do it. I blame it on not having a TV - too much time to think.

5:22 PM  

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